The whole range

Send a Store Tip and Win!

Send a tip for a store and win 4 different types of pizza, a t-shirt, and a cap – we’ll deliver it right to your home!

Contest Rules:

  1. Write on Facebook the name of the store and city – or tag it directly if it has its own page on Facebook.
  2. Like and share the post on your profile.
  3. The conditions must be met by April 30, 2023, at 23:59. The drawing will take place in the following days.
  4. Valid only for store tips in the Czech Republic.


  1. Employees of the company and their family members cannot participate in the contest.


  1. The winner will be drawn from all the likes on the post, with a verification that all conditions have been met.
  2. If the conditions are not met, the drawing is repeated.
  3. The winner will receive 4 pieces (different types) of pizza, a t-shirt, a cap – including home delivery.
  4. The prize must be delivered to an address in the Czech Republic.
  5. The winner will be contacted on Facebook (in a private message), where they will be asked to send their phone number and the rest will be arranged over the phone. If the winner does not respond within two working days, the drawing is repeated and a new winner is determined.
  6. By participating in the contest, the winner agrees to the taking of promotional photographs at the prize handover.