About the Company
Partnership Opportunities
If you want to pizza sell in your establishment, no investment is required, you get everything from us – we will come, demonstrate, train, equip. The benefit for your business is virtually no investment – only one freezing unit is needed. Increases the number of your customers, revenues, and profits. We support your business with free advertising of your establishment on our websites and by providing promotional materials for free.
Shock Freezing
Our products undergo shock freezing. Why did we choose this method and what are its benefits? We often hear these questions and therefore we have prepared a more detailed explanation:
Benefits of shock freezing:
- High quality of food and increased shelf life
- Hygienic safety of food
- Extension of food shelf life
Shock cooling (freezing), also known as shock freezing, is used to increase productivity and hygiene. During shock cooling (freezing), food, meals, semi-finished products, etc., are cooled down (frozen) very rapidly. The most important factors are the speed and ability to penetrate the entire product. Shock cooling (freezing) allows for the storage of both thermally processed and raw foods in their original state without any damage, resulting in food that is fresh and tasty, just as before freezing (cooling).
The purpose of cooling (freezing) is to quickly overcome the critical temperature range in which bacteria develop. Thanks to the high cooling performance and the intense airflow of special cooling evaporators, the formation of microcrystals of water is prevented, and the original structure of the food is maintained.